Today's temperature in Sugar Land: 83 (heat index = 93)
Today's temperature in Lubbock: 66
Today's temperature in Midland, Texas: 63!
Why would I post Midland weather? Because I'm moving there!! Tommy and I are transferring our lives back to West Texas, where the weather is cold, the land is flat, but most importantly, the people are nice.
I can't wait to see where this leads us--hopefully to Home and Happiness!
Today's outfit was a test for me to see if I could wear an oxford tucked into pants without a belt and not go insane. I think its working, but only because these pants have a tab buckle that creates the illusion of a belted waistline for me. These are Victoria's Secret, but a shy too short for what I've come to like, so I'm wearing them with flatter shoes. These aren't actually flats though--they have a little wedge on them!
Broke out the bling to celebrate today! :) (It's my last week of work here--lalalalalalalalalalallalalalalalallalallalalallalaklllalkjdlkoi!!!)
love that shirt!