Monday, April 4, 2011

Windy Days and Windy Nights

I woke up this morning and thought, "There's a hurricane outside."

Then reality hit me as I came out of my grogginess a little more and remembered that I don't live in Houston any longer.  We just don't get hurricanes in West Texas.

What we DO get is crazy torential winds.  And something the natives like to call "Texas Weather."  I spent my entire Saturday at a friend's pool with a margarita in hand, and today we're barely topping 50 degrees.

Thus, this girl could barely get out of bed and put on jeans and sweater.  And this is what you get.

Weekend bonus picture.  After one (or two) too many Coronaritas...the lovely Ms. KL and me:


  1. Those jeans are awesome - I'm always weary of bootcut/flares but they really suit you :)


  2. You look so pretty in these pictures! Almost glowing! Maybe a little wind-blown??? :)

  3. And yet, your jeans and sweater look chic. I love the shade of that sweater.

  4. OMG, we are wearing the SAME sweater today. It looks a lot better on you!!

  5. Wait, wait, wait...coronarita? Is that like a corona and margarita all in one? THAT sounds...amazing, interesting and scary all at once.

    You look fabulous in this outfit! I like the layered tops and the necklace. You look simply chic and perfectly suited for a windy day. That bright color is beautiful on you.

    Come take a look inside A Working Mom's Closet


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