The weatherman promised me rain today. Well, actually, he said "It may rain today." But I was planning on counting my chickens (before they'd hatched), taking that the bank, and making me a silk purse out of a sow's ear.
But enough of my Southern lineage talk.
The point is, its not raining. Thanks a lot. I dressed for the occasion in pants and a sweater. Which is a good thing, because its freezing in my office today.
P.S. Do you know anyone who has mineral interests in New Mexico? Because I've probably attempted to call them today. I feel like I've called the entire state!
A Daily Wardrobe Diary of Me.
Feeling bored? Write to me!
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Monday, August 30, 2010
Purple and Lace
Had a stayed-up-too-late kind of weekend so I'm trying to battle this case of the Mundays with something professional today, so I dressed it up with a pencil skirt and belted blouse. I bought this skirt over a year ago, but its really capturing the lace trend for this fall perfectly!
Friday, August 27, 2010
Feeling Silly
Have nothing too interesting to report, other than I'm very glad its Friday and I'm in a supermodelly silly mood!
Last night we went to our minor league baseball team's game for Thirsty Thursday. I got a sausage dog, a giant Blue Moon, and sweet potato fries for $7. Can't beat that!
Last night we went to our minor league baseball team's game for Thirsty Thursday. I got a sausage dog, a giant Blue Moon, and sweet potato fries for $7. Can't beat that!
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Making my belt work for it
I'm trying to wear all my "strictly summer" clothes - the weather outside is a cool 82 degree high for today, and it is a great reminder that Fall is literally just around the corner of the calendar. I took a close up of this pattern so you could see that the skirt isn't solid yellow--its got these printed little roses engrained in the material.
I bought this wide black belt years ago at a Ross in Lubbock, Texas. Imagine the time when wide belts were just really coming back into style, and I was undecided about the "trend". I didn't want to invest in a pricier wide black belt--that was really when you still had to search for them, instead of finding them at every store at the mall. I saw this one at Ross for $10, and thought I'd buy it. I've probably worn it 4 times since then. I don't know why I haven't invested in a nicer one by now...obviously what I once thought was a passing fancy is here to stay for awhile, competing equally for the waistline with skinny belts and grosgaine ribbons!
Like my eyeshadow again today. And my hair has...volume! Nick Chavez Volumizing Shampoo and Conditioner, I think you might be working! But I was also 10 minutes later for work than I intended. Why does it take so long to look beautiful? :P
I bought this wide black belt years ago at a Ross in Lubbock, Texas. Imagine the time when wide belts were just really coming back into style, and I was undecided about the "trend". I didn't want to invest in a pricier wide black belt--that was really when you still had to search for them, instead of finding them at every store at the mall. I saw this one at Ross for $10, and thought I'd buy it. I've probably worn it 4 times since then. I don't know why I haven't invested in a nicer one by now...obviously what I once thought was a passing fancy is here to stay for awhile, competing equally for the waistline with skinny belts and grosgaine ribbons!
Last night I was messing around with, still not really liking the way it looked on my waist, when something incredible spun slightly to the right! And I loved it! Or at least I liked it a lot better. Its just a loose (p)leather strap with a buckle on the end, so I think by throwing it off center, it gets a more playful edge to the outfit rather than the straightlaced and buckled look I was attempting by buckling it in the middle.
Funnest shoes ever...but probably not going to be very good come winter! Need to invest in some solid black flats, stat!
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Ehh Outfit, Yay Makeup!
I've been watching MakeupByTiffanyD (blog here and youtube channel here). She is so down to earth and easy to watch, and I'm inspired to do a little more with my makeup and hair because of her. We both have fine and flat perfectly stick-straight hair, so its good to watch her for a little tutorial.
Today's makeup look was inspired by a little of her, and a little of me! Yay!! :)
Also, I've determined that the new powder I've bought is too light. I hope to remedy that soon!
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
You can't go wrong with bows and a cardigan
I'm up and down a lot today, so I needed to dress in something accomodating. Its also going to be a long day with work and then a board meeting this evening at 6:30, so I wanted something comfortable and cute and also something that would work for all day at the office and then all evening. I so love that jeans are acceptable everyday for my office, but that I can dress up any day that I want to, also!
Playing with Picnik! :)
Monday, August 23, 2010
Unpurchased Jewelry
The Mexican food I chose to scarf down at lunch, however, is not feeling so great. I'm fighting off sluggish and full in order to finish up my day with a little activity at the gym. Wish me luck!
My attempt at "beach waves". My hair is STICK-STRAIGHT so you have to cut me some slack. I was actually pretty proud of this look yesterday!! :)
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Friday Evening Post
This belt was my great-grandmother's when she was my age. I love it so much.
Friday, August 20, 2010
T-Shirt Friday
I may run by the post office and mail a package (or I may wait until tomorrow).
I am considering sneaking into a friend's pool (or I could just plan on going with him Saturday).
I might lay in bed and finish The Girl Who Played With Fire (or save that activity for this evening).
As you can see, I got dressed for work this morning and nothing else. And come on, its a half-day I'm feeling casual. I did want to brighten it up some though with some hot pink! Funny that I've never dressed this t-shirt up with this cardigan before. They go perfectly together!

Thursday, August 19, 2010
Snakes and Butterfly, oh my
You know that feeling when you're staring in your closet, sure that something positively adorable and stylish will jump out at you, and you'll think to yourself I am so freaking fashion aware, they should be putting MY picture in InStyle and Glamour!
That didn't happen for me today.
So I went with something that you just can't go wrong with: a neutral gray skirt, white oxford, and red belt. I sassed it up a little by including a white oxford with silver stripes, a blood red belt with snakeskin print, and some natural enemies in my jewelry.
But, honestly, a butterfly probably doesn't often acknowledge a snake and vice versa. But they certainly must have different morals, don't you think? Let's hope so or that phrase "the beat of a butterfly's wings" takes on a whole different meaning.
That didn't happen for me today.
So I went with something that you just can't go wrong with: a neutral gray skirt, white oxford, and red belt. I sassed it up a little by including a white oxford with silver stripes, a blood red belt with snakeskin print, and some natural enemies in my jewelry.
But, honestly, a butterfly probably doesn't often acknowledge a snake and vice versa. But they certainly must have different morals, don't you think? Let's hope so or that phrase "the beat of a butterfly's wings" takes on a whole different meaning.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Blowouts and Shoe Clips
Yesterday I watched a video online at on how to give yourself the perfect blowout.
I am incapable.
I did, however spend 25 minutes this morning attempting it.
I probably ran my electricity bill up 25% because of how often I had to turn the blow dryer off, readjust my hair on my round brush and then pick it back up and start again. I was too clumsy with that brush. And it took way too long.
But my hair does look a bit more
And really, that’s enough for me.
On to the real excitement! Today’s outfit features my Target shoe clips that I mentioned last week. I finally invested in a $.50 bottle of super glue and fixed the one that was broken, see here is their proper debut!
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
We Get Up, We Go Out, Me and All My Friends
Here's a bonus outfit from a barbeque this weekend. Max wanted to say hello, but then he got a little camera shy.
As you can see, I DID NOT leave my camera sitting on the table at the bar that we ended up at later that night, which is really good because I was not looking forward to calling and asking if anyone found a camera. I could picture them asking if I could identify any of the photos on the camera, and me having to say "There's about fifty pictures of me posing in different outfits." (I'm never really on top of the whole erasing thing.)
Monday, August 16, 2010
Feeling Chanel-y
1. I'm so sorry for this picture quality. I'm hoping that I just left my camera sitting on the table next to my purse this morning, and not at the bar Saturday night. Verdict arrives this evening. In the meantime, I'm stuck with the iphone camera. Really, Apple? Give me a better picture quality than that, please!
2. It took every ounce of willpower I had not to put something red or hot pink with this outfit! I tried to stay true to Chanel form though, and resist the temptation to throw on some pink heels or a red headband.
Does anyone watch Hung? I love Anne Heche as Jessica, and I like her conservative outfits even more. Last night she was wearing a tweed pencil skirt with an oxford knotted in the front. This outfit is an homage to that look! So cute :)
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